Some people refer to it as “tooth sealant”; it refers to a plastic resin that is bonded into the grooves of the chewing surface of a tooth by doctors as a means of preventing the formation of tooth decay.
It is basically caused by a bacterium that hides within the dental plaque. The dental plaque is just a white film that forms in any ones teeth. The more the dental plaque is allowed to remain on a teeth’s surface, the more the exposure to form a cavity. That is why it is very vital to keep the teeth clean by brushing them to avoid the dental plaque attack. When brushing the teeth, you always scrub off any accumulated dental plaque that might otherwise be present. You should take great care of your teeth when brushing, some teeth however are harder to clean, this is in relation to the anatomy and it explains why one needs to be careful with his or her teeth.
The molars and premolars might give one hard time when brushing because of the deep and narrow grooves found on their chewing surface. Most people don’t totally brush out their teeth until all the dental plaques are just out, even though he/ she do the practice every day. The brushing bristles are just too large to enter or gain access to the depth of the tooth’s groove.
If you will not clean up the dental plaque, you will definitely be risking the attack of the disease and increasing the risk of the formation of decay and other infections. When you bond the dental sealant into the grooves of the tooth, you will actually be creating smooth surface. And this will see to it that there is no location found on the chewing surface that is hidden. All the places will be accessible and will easily be cleaned.
Dental sealant is easy to remove and once that is reached there are minimal chances of the teeth decaying. You should take note that another problem associated with deep groves is the thickness of the enamel which directly lies at the base of ones groove. This thickness is thinner than the enamel which harbors other aspect of your teeth. This directly tells you that deep narrow grooves paves way for the tooth decay, because the teeth can’t be cleanse well and any decay will eventually penetrate in the enamel layer.
Thanks for submitting such a nice article… before some days i was doubt in what is sealant.. but after reading this article i am clear all about thing can you please tell me more about “what is tooth decay”.
Wow, very scary to think about. I’m sure that the grooves in molars are very hard to clean. I was a sugar addict as a child, unlike my little sister and she got all the cavities. The main difference was her teeth has deeper grooves. I’ll have to spread the word of sealant. Thanks.