This post is just an explanation to a doubt raised over the usage of Face mask, over normal tissue papers or hankies, for the prevention of Swine Flu. Here are my thoughts –
Face masks are made from micro-pores which can take in-and-out the air for respiration, but most of micro-organisms are stopped from penetrating in. These are what doctors use during surgeries, so you can assume the safety with it. On the other hand, the normal hand-kerchief or tissue papers are safe to some extent, but still are not strong enough to stop every micro-organism to enter the body.
- Face masks are easy to wear – This has nothing to do with the disease infection risk, but still you can’t have your hand near the mouth to cover it. Also, the mouth mask has the ear loops and nose tags which can be used without any further help needed.
- Hand can get infected on surface – You hold the hanky and again touch some unclean surfaces in your house or hospitals with the same hand. This can increase the risk of h1n1 virus spread, but mouth mask is not usually touched, or needed to touch until you are changing it.
- Also, most of the face masks are properly sterilized and there is zero risk when you are using it. On the other hand, the hankies don’t come sterilized, but are just washed which can not clean away any bacteria or H1N1 virus. The virus stays for around 2-8 hours on the surface and can infect the body, so regular changing of the face masks is the best way to keep safe.
- However, it still depends on the availability and your house safety levels that you can use a face mask or a hanky to keep yourself safe from Swine Flu. The face mask is totally advised and is available in surgical instruments stores, pharmacies all over.
But still, just wearing face masks isn’t everything. You need to be totally hygienic, try to stay away from crowded areas and don’t go to places with excess pollution in the air. Try to stay away from people who are ill.
Here are some authorized swine flu treatment hospitals in India, and also precautions given by WHO to keep safe from Swine Flu.
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