Swine Flu is increasingly spreading around in India, and more cases are being admitted to hospitals in all parts of the country. And the hospitals for swine flu treatment are trying the best to provide the treatment to every affected case.
Here is the treatment for Swine Flu and instructions for people unaware about it –
Symptomatic treatment –
This treatment is to reduce the symptoms like high temperature, body pains etc. by the use of Paracetamol. This is still not to be administered in excess. As Paracetamol is a multi-acting drug and can produce side-effects. And its usage in kids has to be strictly done under physician’s instructions.
Antivirals –
This is the group of drugs that can help in reducing the symptoms of swine flu, and to relieve the patient, but the virus is not fully killed with these drugs.
Oseltamavir (Tamiflu)
Zanamivir (Relenza)
These drugs reduce the time of your staying ill, reduce all the symptoms, and moreover they reduce the high-risk complications like pneumonia etc.
The Relenza drug comes in form of Inhaler which are similar to the inhalers that asthmatic patients use. The usage of these both drugs directly is not advised and your need to first get tested for Swine Flu. If you are found infected, the dosage is advised by the doctor depending on the severity.
Using these drugs without any medical supervision is very risky.
Antimicrobial drugs –
usually when there is a viral attack in the body, the immunity in body gets reduced and this is the time when you can be more prone to other diseases. One of the most common diseases is Pneumonia caused by strep. pneumonia.
These are given to patients who are severely ill due to Swine Flu, as the extra-flu complications are expected to have occurred in them.
Other tips:
I have read in comments in a few news sites that people are unknowingly giving aspirin tablets in small doses to kids with fever. Aspirin is a strong drug and can cause vomitings and in some higher doses can cause Reye’s syndrome apart from many other side effects.
Don’t take self decisions. Seek advise and medication from any health practitioner. Only they know what dosage, and which drugs are to be given, depending on the severity of the disease.
While being treated, stay away from other for at least a couple days after the symptoms are reduced, and those who are still safe, should wear face masks and check these WHO precautions against Swine Flu infection.
Dentist Doctor giving swine flu treatment…lol! Hey Just kidding! Hi Chetan Its Devil Boy here, its great to see your newly designed (wwwblog) and this one also…talk to you over twitter later..
Your article says “Antivirals –
This is the group of drugs that can help in reducing the symptoms of swine flu, and to relieve the patient, but the virus is not fully killed with these drugs.”.
Does this mean that even if some patient of swine flu takes these medicines, he/she may not recover completely ?
If so, what is the treatment for patients who are suffering from swine flu ?
Your article says “Antivirals –
This is the group of drugs that can help in reducing the symptoms of swine flu, and to relieve the patient, but the virus is not fully killed with these drugs.”.
Does this mean that even if some patient of swine flu takes these medicines, he/she may not recover completely ?
If so, what is the treatment for patients who are suffering from swine flu ?
We should be thankful that the swine flu did not spread very rapidly. it is not very deadly like Ebola but swine flu can still kill you.
aspirin has been time tested to relieve minor pains and inflammation and it is cheap too ,;*
These drugs can help in reducing the symptoms of swine flu, and relieve the patient, but the virus is not fully killed with these drugs.