Root canal is a dental procedure which helps in removing the entire internal parts, mainly pulp chamber of the tooth. It also involves the filling of the prepared empty cavity with a suitable bio-compatible material. This procedure is done and advised only when the tooth can not compensate restoring material in a small cavity on the surface. The procedure involves the removal of the nervous elements of the tooth which have been infected or decayed already due to microbial action or any physical pressures.
The procedure that involves the root canal is also called as root canal therapy or root canal treatment. This is the only procedure that can help when the entire pulp and its contents are decayed. This procedure of root canal treatment can be done by a general dentist, but the one who specializes in this field is an Endodontist.
How is a root canal treatment done?
- The dentist diagnoses a patient and advices for the treatment if the root canal is decayed.
- The tooth area is isolated with the help of rubber dam kit, which is a rubber sheet fitted with the help of clamps or clips around the tooth which is going to be treated. This isolation helps in ease of operation for the dentist and prevents the entry of mixing of fluids from the motor and the saliva in the mouth.
- The dentist would then prepare a cavity by the help of an aerotor which is done with proper outline and depth into the root, but this does not eliminate all the contents of the pulp chamber. Then the root canal files are used to entirely clean the root. These root canal files increase in thickness when they enter the root and help in removal of the pulp of the tooth.
- After this is done, there are 2 ways of which one is chosen by the dentist – Either do everything else in a single seating or sealing the cavity with a soothing medicine with a temporary filling material for a week until the next seating is called for the completion of the procedure.
- The use of soothing medicine is that it prevents the spread of further infection, if there was any prior to the cavity preparation, or also prevention of occurrence of any new infection in that region.
- The final stage includes the filling of the canal with some plastic material called Gutta Percha which are bio-compatible, and after the canal is filled, a suitable and aesthetic regular cement filling is done over it, which can be accompanied with crown placement sometimes.
How many seatings are required?
The dentist would try to make the treatment planning for the ease of the patient, but there are a few factors which decide the amount of chair time and the number of seatings –
- The position of tooth in the mouth, maxillary molars take more time than the mandibular ones.
- Number of roots present in a tooth and number of root canals seen in the roots, as each of the canal is to be emptied and filled with the filling material.
- The length and thickness of root canals.
- Previous procedures – If the tooth has gone through some treatment earlier, like crown placement, then it takes more time for the entire procedure rather than the normal tooth with some small filling.
Some facts to remember –
Root canals are done to protect a tooth, the calcified tissues of the tooth. This helps in maintaining the jaw integrity. If the entire tooth is extracted, the space in between the adjacent teeth can lead to shifting around of those teeth if a bridge or implant placement is not done rightly there. So, a root canal treatment is advised for the protection of the tooth during an infection.
The thickness of the calcified structure would be considered by the dentist as they are more brittle and can break down. So to maintain and restore a tooth structure, crown placement is usually done.
Any endodontic infection is accompanied with swelling due to inflammation of that region, which occurs after the necrosis or death of the oral tissue. This, if not taken care of, will spread to all the parts of the oral cavity and sometimes would lead to some medical complications in severe cases.
When root canal is done, it does not make the tooth entirely dead. Removal of the pulp contents do not make the tooth dead. The reason for this is that the tooth still gets adequate nourishment from the adjacent tissues and from the alveolar bone. So it is not regarded as a dead tooth, and it can be restored and maintains the integrity of the alveolar bone and dental arch when a crown is placed over it.
When is root canal advised?
- Severe toothache which is during chewing or during contact with any extreme hot or extreme cold temperature material which is usually tolerated by the mouth.
- Constant tooth pain during mastication or chewing
- Darkening of the tooth
- Swelling seen in the areas of gums around the tooth
Believe in these before going for a root canal –
- Patients fear of root canal – It was believed to be one of the most painful procedure in dentistry and every patient who was advised to have root canal done used to fear to go to the dentist. But this is not a problem now, as good anesthetics are available which can subside the pain.
- It is not time consuming – Earlier it used to take many visits for the completion of the root canal and this caused disturbance in the schedules of the patients and it was a hard task for them. Now it takes not more than 2 visits for the completion of the entire procedure.
- Pain is not the only symptom – As said above, root canal should be done to prevent an infection, only the pain can not be taken as a factor to consider. If there is no pain in a particular region but there is some swelling with discoloration, the dentist have to properly check for the infection.
- Better than extraction – It was believed entirely reverse of this. People used to believe in the fact that getting the tooth removed completely would be better than having root canal done. But maintaining the natural tooth for long can be helpful in proper chewing and strengthening of the tooth.
Also the cost for extraction is followed by its next procedure like removable denture or implant, which costs more than a root canal procedure. - Pregnant women – There are suitable anesthetics available for pregnant women and the x-ray required during the root canal treatment is small and focused only in the mouth region, so does not affect the abdominal region. So there is no restriction for pregnant women and they can have the root canal done, but prior to the treatment, the dentist should be kept aware about the fact that the patient is pregnant.
Check the root canal symptoms, which can make one understand that they might need to go to the dentist and get things checked if there is a need for the treatment or any alternative is available.
this is ganesh,
i am suffering with above said symtoms.
i want to know the cost for the treatment.
2000 to 4000
i had undergone Route Canal treatment 4 years back,
the doctor has fixed a dummy teeth made out of clay. since 2 weeks its paining and last night the teeth came to my hand,
so what to do , please mail me…
here is ashish a civil engineer by profession
Due to busy schedules its not possible for me to take care of teeth. R there any mouth freshners or teeth cleaners available in market which will help me even if i dnt brush for more then 12 hrs
moreever hw can i take care of my eeth
i have gone through root canal treatment for my front tooth.
nw it has slightly faded towards dark colour.can u suggest me any solution for this problem.
Im lavanaya .
I took root canal treatment nearly three years back ..
do i need any follow up .. how long its durable
I have paid 3000 in two seatings.Today is propably last sitting..donno how much have to pay today.
If anyone has any such experience to share,please… it..
Recently i took root canal treatment but it is paining,pls tell any sugggestions
I had my rct yesterday. Its painless but it pains after the treatment.
i’ve a very bad experience of dentists..when we visit them, they ignore our main affected tooth & strated to fill other teeths,cavities etc..then they start RCT..for RCT also, they charge 1500/- as cavities are deep & fine…on the contrary rate is 1000/- everyehere for normal RCT charges
Rates On& Avg…(Year 2008)
Per Tooth Rates
RCT Treatment – 1000/- with Silver Filling
Consulting – 50/- to 100/-
X-ray – 100/-
Composite Filling – 400/-
Caps –
Metal – 500/- to 2000/-
Tooth Colour – 2200/- to 4000/-
today i have to go 4 root canal treatment……Is this treatment gives a lot of pain?????
Doctor ,
my name is uday 5 years back i did my tooth filling and now it is almost gone can i do again tooth filling and wats the charges , is there any permanent filling ? please advice us
i have an wisdom tooth impact,doctor says after removing teeth filling is required at that place and he charges Rs.4000/- for that is it suggestable,he give estimate of totalRs.17000/-(1wisdom tooth removel,filling at that place,RCT for before wisdom tooth,he says he will use gold screw for the damaged tooth in RCT.
Can any body suggest me is it right choice
I m currently taking root canaling treatment. So far I have paid 4500 for two teeths and caping is yet to be done. For ceramic cap with alloy alloys they are charging 3000 percap.
So total cost of RTC per tooth would be 5000 including cap.
I have a root canal.I want to know how many injection are going to involve in this and where in the mouth.Please let me know as soon as possible so that i go to doctor for root canal treatment.Send any other advise
i have a root canal
I am taking oxalgin-DP to remove my tooth pain till i don’t go for treatment.Is it safe and tell me any other medicine or method to remove my pain.
i had first sitting for rct it was painless during treatment(done without local anesthesia)but pain developed after treatment.
i am geeting a little bit teeth pain for last 2weeeks,so went to dentist today.he put temporary fill up things,but after puuting in 4 teeth,he removed this temporary fill up from one of my tooth that time only because i got pain while putting it in that tooth.then he said like i have to go for root canal treatment.but i m afraid of this much i know my tooth is not that much damaged because only a cavity formed inside the tooth.surrounding of the teeth is ok..even that doctor when testing teeth for the first time by knocking my teeth with an instrument,i was not geeting pain. please suggest me what to do…should i really go for root canal treatment….thanks
Hello Doc,
First of all thank you for the information.
Here is the situation with me.
4 Weeks back, I met an accident, in which two of my teethes ( One front, one adjacent (not both front) are half broken). Today I consulted two dentists. Both of them suggested RCT and then Capping.
I have no pain in teethes. Only they are half broken. I feel some sensation (though not painful) while liquid or air go into mouth.
Please suggest, what do you think. Is it the right way to proceed? I am planning to start the treatment tomorrow. Please respond to my on my email id.
Thank you
I had a root canal. The doctor said the next visit is the final one. Can they usually tell in advance. I’m taking a trip the middle of December. Will it be fine? Thank you
is root canal treatment considered in medical terms as operation?
Dear Sir,
I hv a date for RCT, doc advice me to root out 3 teeths, prescibed me some tabs henceforth,Is RCT practically last solution.what precausion should i take?
please Help
hello doctor,
My dad has undergone root canal treatment this morning.Doctor advised him not to take hard substances today alone.I need to know whether it is permanent filling or not and need to know about follow up Then is metal cap necessary after this treatment?thanks….
dear sir,
i had a rct they told me that next week they will put a cap.
is it compulsory to have a cap and my upper lip left side appears to be gone inside after rct
i am worried please help me
plz sugggest me.
i have sufering from teeth,
a hole become my one teeth from 2 yrs, i used to pice of cotton on hole regularly,
no pain no feels in cold or hot water just normal. 3 months before i suggest a dentiest he advised me to false feeling for two months ,if have not came to pain ,he do permanent feelig passed three months false feeling gone to damage , at this time i am out of my doctor who suggested me, i suggest other doctor he advised to me for rct becouse smell are coming from my teeth . what i do plz suggest me
I loved getting a root canal. I am looking forward to the next one.
Hi ,
I have done root canal last month ..It costed me 2700 for one teeth. i have done it for 2.. different place its different rate.. when i consulted one other doctor he said it will cost me 4000+…. and here i have done with tooth color cap.. so it was cheap for me and the doctor also is a good person.
The common anaerobic bacteria causative agent for root canal infection?
If curcumin (Extraction of Turmeric ) is used as a alternative bio compatible compound for root canal fillings
I am suffering with cavities in upper teeth. getting pain. is there any solution to fill the cavity other than rtc my one of lower teeth is shaking and giving pain when anything is eating, can the gums will be strenghtened with any medicines. plz sujjest me. here befroe i never visited any dentitst.
thanking you
bhargava sarma
hi doctor
wall of my root fell off so i went dentist he told me the filling wouldnot be suitable so he started the root canal process. he has only put the medicine on the tooth to kill infection and nerves and he asked me to leave for one week and asked me to come back but i can’t afford to pay 350 euros at the moment so can i leave it for 3 to 4 months and get it done in jan. though there is no pain in the tooth. please reply soon
i have to take rootcanal treatment.but i’m affraid of the pain.can u suggest some solution
Hello Doctor,
My tooth certainly broke up while chewing, i went to a doctor, during prelimnary investivation, he tried to fill it up, but at a later stage when sensation felt by me, he took X-ray and suggested a root canal, but during my first test, my entire body prespired and i felt like getting fainted, Please suggest what to do now?
The pain is unbearable of Root canal… Then my dentist anesthetize because of that I got mouth ulcer. Both pain is just not bearable……:'(
I got 1st sitting on 9th Nov. 2010 for root canal treatment. Dr… has filled a temporarry filling. For 2nd sitting Dr. has requested me to come next it ok with my tooth? will infection will happend or not?
i hav to do a rct tmrw….in two of my teeth and the doctor also prescribed caping in it…and the total cost the doctor is saying 20,000 or 10% up and down….can u suggest me the amount that the doctor prescribed me is its ok or is it too much….
How effective will the anaesthetic be at the time of root canal??
I wish i coud get my teeth extracted and be free!!!1
Thanks for such nice information……
But i have que…????/
During this treatment which part is anesthetize…..??
Is this treatment cause any serious problem,,,,,(Any affect to brain or eye)
Reply me….
i have to do root canal treatment of right side of the teeth but i want to know how much cost will charges
@jyoti, this amount is too much for RCT in two of your teeth including caps.good treatment cost you between Rs.7000-10000 including caps.
hi m sagun!
i had a severe pain in the left part of my teeth last night [[ im having the pain since 4 days]]
i m wearing braces for 2 years now but i dont think its the braces….i broke my two front teeth when i was in class 4 now im in class 9….this is the first tome im having such pain…today i went to my dentist n he got an x ray n says that i need to go through rct….the pain is extreme in my left front tooth n the gum hurts when it is pressed …. it is the teeth that was broken….but the other teeth which is broken too is ok….the pain is severe only sometimes and other time its only wen i hit it , eating, n when the lower teeth comes in contact with it…when i read the above info i had some doubt….i dont think i need to hab rct done … [[ or should i??]] i mean is just a pain severe pain in the teeth dat was broken right … and rct is only done when the teeth decays right?? my brother and friend too had rct but they were due to infection, sweeling not only pain…n will my teeth fall after rct in years to come and go black!! OMG!! plz help me plz!! HELP!! what do i do?????
Root canal therapy helps in reducing the effects of toothaches in your life as a toothache can literally make life unbearable. It induces a paralyzing pain in the mouth that makes it practically hard for you to eat and also headaches. When it strikes at night then you will suffer from sleepless nights due to the tooth decay and this procedure eradicates all these effects.
Root canal therapy restores the normal sensation and biting force which ensures that your chewing ability remains efficient. Root canal therapy also helps by protecting the other teeth from shouldering unnecessary wear from the excessive straining due to your forced use of only one side of your mouth due to the tooth decay or injury. This will result in your teeth maintaining their natural appearance in the end.