Pulpitis is the inflammatory condition of the pulp (refer Diseases of the Pulp). Reversible pulpitis is a type of inflammation of the pulpal tissue, which is symptomatic and the initial stage, which gives hypersensitive response to any cold stimulus, but the pain response subsides when the stimulus is removed.
Table of Contents:
Etiology of Reversible Pulpitis
Symptoms of Reversible Pulpitis
Diagnosis of Reversible Pulpitis
Treatment of Reversible Pulpitis
Reversible pulpitis is a general category which may histologically represent a range of responses that vary from dentin hypersensitivity, to an early phase of inflammation. The determination of the stage of pulpitis though depends on clinical evaluation. It may be either symptomatic, which we call as Acute, or asymptomatic which is also called Chronic reversible pulpitis.
- Trauma – due to any blow, or improper occlusal relationship
- Thermal shock while preparing a cavity, or overheating while polishing the filling
- Excessive dehydration of cavity with alcohol or chloroform
- Placing an amalgam restoration in contact with a gold restoration
- Chemical stimulus – sweet and sour food stuff
- Caries extension – due to bacterial attack
Patient complains of sensitivity after the insertion of restoration or any stimulus production, but it is seen for a few hours, or a few days and that finally subsides. This indicates reversible pulpitis.
Symptoms of Reversible Pulpitis
- Sharp pain that lasts for a moment
- Usually the pain is seen with cold stimuli
- The pain subsides when the stimulus is removed
- Asymptomatic reversible pulpitis is seen with caries, which can be resolved upon restoration
Diagnosis of Reversible Pulpitis
- Pain – It lasts for brief duration, and then goes off with the removal of irritant.
- Visual – By checking for caries using a probe, or disturbed occlusion, or any fracture of the tooth.
- Radiograph – Depth of caries, or cavity penetration. Periapical tissues are normal i.e. lamina dura.
- Percussion – Usually the tooth fails to respond to percussion
- Vitality tests – Cold stimuli response of the pulp, and less current needed to cause pain using an electric pulp tester
Treatment of Reversible Pulpitis
Prevention is the best treatment, and periodic check and proper care for prevention of caries should be done. Endodontic treatment is not necessary, just a simple restoration of the area of the tooth which has small cavity, would provide relief.
Removal of noxious stimuli, and once the sensitivity and symptoms are gone, the vitality tests are done to check for the absence of pulp necrosis.
just a simple restoration of the area of the tooth which has small cavity, would provide relief. absolutely thanks dr.
here does bacteria reach pulp or not (if there is caries)?
Dear sir/madam,
How we can prevention our teeth from crisis however we should brush 2 times per day?
If you can help me in this regards I will thankful from you.
Many thanks,
how do we diagnose and differentiate between acute pulpitis and dentinal hypersensitivity?????
sorry reversible pulpitis and dentinal hypersensitivity
how we can differentiate b/n acute &chronic reversible pulpitis?
I am a bds third year student….I need to clarify a query…in what condition of reversible pulpitis does patient feel only senstivity and no pain?? And in reversible pulpitis,can the pain be mild throbbing in nature…?? I would be highly obliged to u if i get this query clarified….urgently.
S rathore
very effective description of pulp disease
the question is not IF IT Rachel or not. But how much disturp IT causes. Was It Beyonce the Pulp ability to defense? depending on this can the Pulp reversibly or irreversibla inflammerad.
keepin good oral hygien through brushing twice daily, reducing the Amouts IF carbohydrates and suger consumed and less fizzy, sweety drinks.would be the basis and best line of prevention on the lång term.
Tis good Also to do periodicitet checkups for the earls Discovery of initial caries or gingivitis. Specially IF you have some sorts of prosthodontis or deep fyllings.
Be careful to the proper tooth brushing technique, alot brushing twice à day but not properly. So They miss some areas which can lead up to problems later.
Very accurate question which reflects à very careful Dentist.
When IT comes to dental or odontogenic pain, its not always easy to till the origin of pain through Only one or another common symptom. Its rather depending on collecting all the information available subjectivly and objectivly . Listening to the patient, clinical features, tests n radiograph IF needed.
Sir how can prevent our tooth from caries if pt.doing 2 time brush /day & not take excessive carbohydrate diet