Wooooooooow It was loads of fun and joy and we were totally involved in it!!! Guess what… It was our freshers day celebration and was the 1st ever party held in our college and we had enjoyed it a lot.
20th. december 2006 would be a great day to be remembered by the students of MIDS.
Me and my friends Shrutika, Rohan, Kashif, Spandana and Wafaa were the anchors for the whole program and it was a big fear part for me to do the anchoring along with organising the whole party.
There were dances, disco and skit by our friends and we had no moment without fun in the 4 hours at that time. Our classmates, professors and the chief guest all enjoyed the party and were a lot happy…. also we learnt a few good points from the speech given by hon. chief guest – Mallakonda Reddy and chairman Mr. Ram Mohan Reddy.
I didnt expect the party to go that wild till the end as it was totally tensed in the starting but then the support from other students encouraged us to get totally involved into the party and ended very well…
Hope these kind of parties be held very often 😀 😀
hey wannu know how u did anchoring pls give some tips to do so as fast as u can….
hi..can u please mail me..a few tips on how to anchor the freshars party…..
Hi… Plz can u send me the script. how to anchor the freshers party… plz i am in need…
i want to knw about any skit
hey..pls temme sumthing to do for the freshers day other than dancing and singing….and if u any script for monoacting……..pls mail me
plz give me sum tips on anchoring a freshers day party. thx.
can u give me some tips to conduct freasher party in college?
i want all matter of anchoring in fresher party for doing mr.fresher and miss fresher.it s a find of doing miss india contest anchoring. plz send as soon as possible.
will u plz help me how to say seech as the fresher in the college
i also wanted to know the manner of anchoring in fresher party…….. and plz say me all the matter that should be involved ………….. plz send me all as soon as possible
Required Monoacting on the following topics :
1. Swine Flu
2. Terrorism
3. Women Empowerment
4. Moral Values
5. Road Safety Awareness
6. Corruption
7. Environmental Pollution
8. Foeticide
9. Reservation (Quota)
10. Misuse of Mobile Phones
11. Misuse of Cyber Cafe
12. CBSE Examination
14. Rising Price & Common Man
Please send some material on the above topics positively at the earliest on my abovesaid mail ID.
plz suggest me . wats all programs should we put in our freshers party to make it more interesting???????????
hey…..all my frndz…plz give me some tips….how i anchoring in my freshers party in collge….plz rply as soon as posible
how will I do freshers day party
will u plz help me how to say seech as the fresher in the college
heya..hie..there’s gng to be afreshers party in mah clg..n m d one gng to anchor d party..plz kinkdly send me some script for anchoring …..as soon as possible…….
can u please mail me a few tips on how to anchor the freshers party….just some tips that how u did… actually i m going to anchor so i m in need….
can u plzzz….
can u please mail me..a few tips on how to anchor the freshars party…. just some guild line…actually i am going to anchor so i am in need….plzz.
I want to know the matter to be written in the freshers party invitation cards
I also wanted to know how to invite fresher faculties pls mail it to me as soon as possible,abdulsxtrial@gmail.com
can u pls mail me the script for anchoring in freshers party.
pls send it as soon as possible.
put sumthing extra
very awful read this function’s exp
fresher party script
plz send me a script for anchoring in a fresh party.
dude…cn u send me sm format fr hosting a fresher party………..it will b a grt help plz do me dis favour.
if any f above hv d scripts f fresher party hosting den plz send me it to my email id-narendra_kumar26@rediffmail.com…..plz send me m waiting.
hey i want to know how you did your anchoring on this day … i need a speech its urgent ..please can you give me as soon as possible..
hey can u send me the format for hosting a fresher party………..it will b a grt help plz do me dis favour plz.
hey can u send me the format for hosting a freshers party…. it wil be a great help from u… plz do this favour for me. i wil be so thankful to you…..
am a management student so v r giving party to our juniors so plz help me in anchoring of freshers party……
hey i am hosting for the freshers party. Please send me an excellent script. As early as possible since i dont have much time.
Hi…piz can u give me a cript plz
i am in need urgently
Hi.. plz can u give me a script plz I am in need urgently
plzzzzzz send me the gud script for anchoring in fresher’s party in college……. plz do rply i need it vry urgently plz
Hi… Plz can u send me the script. how to anchor the freshers party… plz i am in need…
hi….can u plz help me…im 2 anchor in my freshers party but i dont have script plz help me out
plzzzzzz send me the gud script for anchoring in fresher’s party in college……. plz do rply i need it vry urgently plz
i need a party script just from start plz guide me script must be from bcoz i am hosting an event in college but from begining thanks
will u plzzzz send me the gud script for anchoring in the fresher cum farewell party in college….plzzz reply soon…
hey i really need some hints for anchoring in fresher’s day so, can u plz help me out…its urgen..
can u plz help me in anchoring of freshers party. I want to know how to start d party, i mean what should we speak like welcome lines n all….
hieee sir… dis is eshan ur subjr!sir i need goood script for anchoring on freshers party..actualy me aman and 3 gals r willing to anchor together like telly awards wid fulto comedy like so plz could u attain d script for us……
how i can do anchoring in the fresher party can you tell me
i want a script for anchoring on my fresher party urgently. ply help me…
hi! can u plz send me the script.how to anchor the freshers party ,i’m in need . plz do it as fast as u can
Pls mail me the scits that you are played in your wonderful freshers
hai..can u send me matter for writing on invitation card for fresher’s party.i want it in technical manner.i needed very urgently..plzz as fast as u can
hey wannu know how u did anchoring pls give some tips to do so as fast as u can….
Hey!can u plz send me an awesome script for hosting my fresher’s day?plz plz plz!!!i really need help!!!
Required Monoacting on the following topics :
1. Swine Flu
2. Terrorism
3. Women Empowerment
4. Moral Values
5. Road Safety Awareness
6. Corruption
7. Environmental Pollution
8. Foeticide
9. Reservation (Quota)
10. Misuse of Mobile Phones
11. Misuse of Cyber Cafe
12. CBSE Examination
14. Rising Price & Common Man
Please send some material on the above topics positively at the earliest on my abovesaid mail ID.
we are going to organize alumni meet on 11th feb
i want all matter of anchoring in annual function party. plz send as soon as possible
yar plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz send sm fantstc scripts 4 a freshers party m a 2nd year stnt
i want all matter of anchoring in farewell party.plz send me as soon as possible.plzz
i want all matter of anchoring in annual function party
hey!!! i want a fantastic speech for my freshers party.i m handling cultural part so it need very much enjoyment & fun.pls send me the script today only.. on my email id.
i want all the script pls send it by email taday only..
i need sum catching caption for our freshers day party can u suggest?
for the MBA( TOurism ) students pls yaar
Need a good script to host office annual day event. Planning to conduct games, involving people of size 1000 packs and pleasing script to make event felt energetic.
can you please please send me your anchoring script….i need it really urgently…am to host
a fresher party tomorrow (16-07-2010) evening…..
plz help me out i need an excellent & completely exciting script for our freshers day party if possible plz do reply to my query soon as its very urgent.
Hey can u plz send me anchoring script…
i have to do anchoring in fresher’s function on 3rd August..
plz plz plz plz help me out..
hi i have to anchor in a freshers day in college .so pls send me a script which helps me or u send me a tips for anchoring.
plz help me as i need some good anchoring script 4 freshers party…
sir please send me the scripts of some short time duration skits for our freshersday
I need a script for anchoring an induction program for MCA students in our college
can you please please send me your anchoring script….i need it really urgently…am to host
a fresher party
heyy i need a script for anchoring on our fresher party . plzz help me sending the script..
hai i need a invitation for fresher party please send it soon very! very! very! very! urgent
i need a script for anchoring the fresher’s party in college .
i also need a skit for the same.
can u plzz help me out?
I’LL be very thankfull to you..
hey i wanna get some freshers party script for college function in this i want informal script for calling dance & title etc…. more than 3-4…….
please send me as soon as possible
pls send some words or designs for flexy to invite our freshers ,,,,
within 2days plz send me immediately
hi dr chetan even m an MCA student. i need your help plz help me . i have to anchouring in my college 4 the freashers .plz send vry gud welcome speech plz vry soon coz have to do 2mrw nly so. hope u will.
can u please send me a anchoring script for fresher party???
sir……..wd u pls send me sm funky lines 4 my freshers party..m hostin it …….n i really need ur hlp……..sir my freshers is on 1st sept…so pls sir……….i need ur help
Sir…. I wanna anchoring script, how to begin a programme.
How 2 calling 4 lighten diya in front of maa saraswati……
I wud be thankful …………..
hii.. i’m anchoring college’s freshers party. plz mail me the script within a day or two ,if possible .. thanks .
how to invite guests for freshers party?
i am hosting the freshers party plz send me a script for anchoring the fresher’s party in college .
i also need a skit for the same.
can u plzz help me out?
I’LL be very thankfull to you
plz sir send me as soon as possible
heyy i need a script for anchoring on our fresher party . plzz send the script of urs as soon as possible…i need iy till 15 aug.
hi ths is ajay
, i have to anchor in a freshers day in college .so pls send me a script which helps me or u send me a tips for anchoring.
plzzzzzzzz can u send me some script abt fresher’s party?i wanna to anchoring infresher’s party
hello sir
i need funky anchering speech for freshers party.. i need before 23 sep 2010 …so plz reply me early as possible….
thank you sir….
hi, friend,
first thank you for your upload the speech of f. party, but friend i have some more a speech scripts any other fields just like orchestra, my groups are dance and singing group so please suggestion of speech of this field ok.
I need an anchoring script in hindi as well as in english for a school annual function.plzz help me out.
hi, can u send me some anchoring tips in hindi for fresher party
i want script on corruption .right now
can u please send me a anchoring script for fresher party???and also i need a list of some games tat can be played during freshers party…plz make it fast..plzzzz….
hey…… plz provide me a funny n fab scipt 4 my freshers…. m awaitin 4 ur response
can u please tell me how 2 prepare the matter for anchoring
sir…..i 2 need d whole script…..plz frwd me
hey!!!!!!!! i wana get script for fresher party in ma college………… pls help me to send the script with in one day>>>>>>>>>>>
sir plz send me the script for anchoring at fresher part.
hello sir…………i want freshers script pls help me ………………my fresher is on 7 oct 2010
pls.. . .. . . .. . . can you send some scripts regarding the wat to anchor the freshers party held by the management.can you reply with in 2 days or so. awaiting your reply
plz mail me the script of anchoring .i need it urgently for my fresher party ..on sunday 17 oct 2010. and some quotes also
hey can u pls gimme sum funky ideas for our coll freshers day..
even i’m hosting for the freahers party …..
i needed a cool speech for the party …
i’m frm 2nd yr
sir ma freshers day is on oct 23 ….i was into formal anchoring …so i need some funky lines n a gud script to make it more impressive …can u plzz send me tat as soon as possible
hi i have to anchor in a freshers day in college .so pls send me a script which helps me or u send me a tips for anchoring.
hey sir plz send me some interesting lines for freshers day party within 2 days……….i need it sir
plz give me sum tips on anchoring a freshers day party
sir……..wd u pls send me sm funky lines 4 my freshers party..m hostin it …….n i really need ur hlp……..sir my freshers is on 29th oct…so pls sir……….i need ur help
plz give me an anchoring script of farewell and freshers party.
hi! can u plese send me an intersting and funky anchoring script tat with i hav 2 anchor on 2nd dec,2010, plse send at the ealiest possibile,thanku!!!!!!!!!!
hai i need some tips 2 anchor and also need funnny sentences 2 describe numbers in tambola….
can u plz send me anchoring script for my college gathering party…….
pls, send me the best speech for fesher party to mention the seniors
i want to anchor my freasher party in a new intresting way
the script shoud have some commic touch also so that people can enjoy comic touch mean comedy with full of humar.i m studying in a dental collage.
plz help me to prepare a script or send me a script if u can on my mail id
thank you
i just want a matter for freshers invitation card… its should be somethig about party , and relation of juniors and seniors in col
help me a anchoring freshers party.
same of all above.
want a script for hosting annual function with a little humorous touch. v’ll have 2 anchors on the stage at a time
hi sir ,please give me some advice for fresher party as soon as possible.
plz send me some script for anchoring in fresher party of my college on my email id as soon as possible
plz mail me some script for anchoring freshers party..
& even to make it interesting !!!!!
can u send script for freshersday anchoring
in short …script plz i malso hosting a party ill b vry tankful of urz 🙂
hii… plz mail me some matter for anchoring in freshers party and some games for juniors..
Hey pllllllzzzzzzz mail me script for freshies party
Hi, i some want script fr fresher party in clg, plz plz plz send me as soon as possible… M waiting pls plz pls..
hey i am hosting for the freshers party. Please send me an excellent script,activities. As early as possible since i dont have much time.
n pls suggest games for teacher’s
plz give me an anchoring script of farewell and freshers party.
@satish AGARWAL, i want ur suggestion regarding fresher party .very soon
i wanna script for skit plzzz send by night as soon as possible………. plzzzzzz
i need some introduction script for anchoring in freshers party which was going to held in our college regarding to welcome our guests,lecturers and our juniors.please its urgent.
Sir…. I wanna anchoring script, how to begin a programme.
plz send sir im waiting
plz send me the script 4 anchoring a freshers party in ma colg
Itne comments aa gye koi speech to upload kar do yaar
i need some introduction script for anchoring in freshers party which was going to held in our college regarding to welcome our guests,lecturers and our juniors.please its urgent.can u sent it 2 me by this night
hey plz can u send me a script on freshers party widin a day….this is my first participation i wanna giv my best
@Mamtha, itom song is best
give me tips how to tell the rules of game and how the game be played what entertained lines shoulk be used in the thanku party mail its urgent
i need some introduction script for anchoring in freshers party which was going to held in our college regarding to welcome our guests,lecturers and our juniors.please its urgent.can u sent it 2 me as soon is possible
hey can u send a humurous script for anchoring fresher’s day partyy to be held on 9-11-2011
Please please send mee anchoring for fresher’s party. I’ll bee doing MC on behalf of 1st year so please help mee out.
I’m not getting any material.
Send me mail @ penpa_14@ymail.com…I need it before September 2,2013.
Thank you.
Hey….plz give me som scirp for frshr coz m going to anchorshp in ma clg