For people who pay a good deal of attention to their appearances, bright white teeth are stuff of dreams! Even if you are a regular person, clean white teeth have no substitute. So we need a clue to get it done without any health hazards!
There are products available in the market that claim to make your teeth clean. But why take risks with artificial chemical based products when there are natural ways to achieve the same result. There are everyday food products that have the ability to make your teeth white. Of course there are very minimal problems due to the teeth whitening products, but there are superstitions that the consequences could be quite bad, so there are options to totally avoid the chemical way of whitening the teeth, and trying to do that naturally at home using a few daily-use products.
We use toothbrush, mouthwash, bleaching agents for our teeth. Each of them has their natural counterpart in food items.
Strawberry – Whether you believe it or not but this particular fruit is great when it come to white teeth. It has vitamin C, malic acid (enzyme) and astringent. They help to remove stains from the Tooth surface and whiten teeth by getting rid of plaque. However excessive strawberry can be harmful in the long run because they contain sugar and acid.
Apple – It has great utility for teeth. It helps to fight bacteria and cleans away scraps of food stuck between teeth. It also helps in teeth whitening. This is because of its acidic nature, its flesh which contains heavy amounts of fiber. However, water should be consumed after eating apple so that the excess sugar is washed away.
Raisins – It actually induces production of saliva in your mouth which rinses away the plaque on your teeth.
Lemon Juice – A great remedy for white teeth is the mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your teeth and keep it on for one or two minutes for best results. However, it should not be kept for long as the acid in lemon juice may damage the enamel of the teeth.
Baking Soda – Another useful mixture is salt and baking soda. Use this solution as a mouth wash. However, it should not be swallowed.
Vegetables – Carrots, green beans, cauliflower, celery and other crunchy fruits help to whiten your teeth by gently working as scrub. Dairy food products, such as cheese, yogurt and milk, have a type of lactic acid in them that fights tooth decay. If the cheese is hard it will also work as scrub.
Fruits – Banana peels contain high amounts of iron. If the teeth are regularly scrubbed with it, it will help to remove stains. Also drinking water after every meal and washing the mouth will somewhat reduce staining of teeth.
Drinking water and washing mouth is also important after taking food products that can stain your teeth. Tea, coffee, cola drinks, white wine red wine, soya sauces are well known teeth strainers. Wines have tannins and acids that harm teeth. Also sports drinks, sodas whether they are with sugar or without sugar cane stain teeth.
Apart from these you can simply reduce some of the items like coffee, tea and other colored substances which affect discoloration. Coffee is one of the products which causes discoloration of the teeth, and the proper oral hygiene is required if someone is a regular coffee drinker. It is always said, Prevention is better than cure, so try to prevent the tooth discoloration rather than see things happen and later on try to make them whiter.
“And if you think, your teeth are already badly discolored, then you can start by dropping by to your nearest dental clinics like, Mt Pleasant Dental, and regain back those pearly whites.”
What kind of food is good for our teeth which can help to make our teeth strong and white?