When it comes to dental floss and its usage, the method with which you are going to floss is going to be the primary factor for its effectiveness, and the number of times you have flossed is not at all important.
People usually take flossing similar to brushing and keep a track of flossing 3 times a day, and do not care of how they are doing it. Improper flossing can lead to bleeding of gums and sometimes the removal of enamel layer due to excessive pressure from the nylon threads on the coronal and cervical regions of the tooth.
Any dentist who checks patient’s mouth can not guess how many times per day the patient flosses, as the technique changes from person to person.
It is enough if you floss once a day, because you have to do it thoroughly and with interest, not making it as your boring daily job. Frequency need not be higher, when you know how the best flossing for lesser times help in removing the dental plaque.
What is the proper procedure and frequency for flossing under bridges?
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