Crowns in most cases are used preserve and protect the damaged teeth. Porcelain fused-to-metal crowns are a type of crown that provides firm, strong and durable treatment option of the teeth. This type of crown looks like natural teeth and can be matched to ones’ natural teeth as well as providing an attractive appearance. In most cases this type of crown is not reliable as it can be chipped off and the underlying metal can peer through as a dark line which can be so discouraging to many and they can also wear down and increase the size of the dark line.
These type of crown still is one of the preferred dentistry‘s primary restoration choice because when it is properly constructed and seated, they are stronger and reliable. If a tooth has a large filling, its chances of cracking are high but a crown especially if made of metal will protect it from breaking. Gold crowns are not that popular but they are still indicated in some serious instances. This type of crown unlike the Porcelain one are used to patients with specific problems.
Most patients who use this type of crowns are those whop might have had strong bites and those with some funny behaviors like grinding and clenching. Gold crowns always provide a strong support to the remaining healthy tooth structure as well as offering a level of durability that is appropriate for teeth like molars this is because this type of teeth are not highly visible. Gold crowns requires less preparation compared to Porcelain –fused-to-metal crowns which being like natural teeth need to be well prepared so as they remain natural even in the mouth. Gold is less abrasive to the opposing tooth than porcelain and this helps in preventing the wearing of the teeth.
Gold is the most preferred dental crown. Gold crown is preferred because it is a very workable metal and can be cast accurately and the last reason as to why gold is preferred is that it will not corrode thus can last for quite along period as well a offering maximum protection to your teeth. When gold crown is u used, one thing you are assured of is that you will grow old with all your teeth intact, well protected and well kept so u don’t have to worry about loosing them when you get older.
Although using gold crown is expensive to many middle class people, it is durable and servers the purpose of a lifetime protection something that cannot be found in other crowns. Many cheaper crowns have nickel coated in them and this might cause some irritation or metal allergy. Of all the reasons given above, you would rather spent an extra cent to buy or go for something that you are sure it is going to be beneficial to you and there will be no regrets whatsoever for using them and one will definitely go for gold crown. Despite it being expensive, it has proved efficient and reliable.
Nova Scotia Dental says
😀 Who’d have thought dental care would become a fashion statement to many of the youth of today!