Glossitis is basically an infection of the tongue. Glossitis can cause the tongue to swell and also the color of the tongue might change. The tongue becomes smooth and the finger like projections on the surface of tongue might lose. Glossitis can be painless and it may cause the tongue and mouth discomfort. Some times glossitis may result in severe swelling which blocks the airway that needs immediate medical treatment. If the swelling of the tongue is mild, it can be cured on its own but if the swelling is severe then one needs quick medical attention.
Sometimes the tongue can become inflamed or infected. Glossitis also occurs due to some other conditions too. Some underlying conditions that can cause Glossitis are anemia, iron deficiencies, lack of vitamins in body such as Vitamin-B, erythema multiform, aphthous ulcers etc.
Some medical conditions which can also cause Glossitis are, Infection, Trauma, Dentures, Alcohol, Smoking, Spices, Toothpastes, Dehydration, Hot Food, Mouth wash and several others.
There are many reasons which can be considered as signs and symptoms for Glossitis. They are difficulty with chewing, swallowing, or speaking, sore and tender tongue etc. Treating or preventing Glossitis does not usually require for the patient to treat in hospital unless and until it becomes severe. The best treatment is, Visit your Dentist regularly, good oral hygiene, thorough tooth brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily. Drink plenty of water, minimize irritants or injury in mouth whenever possible. And last but not least, avoid excessive avoid any type of food that can be harmful or hazardous to your mouth and tongue.
my tongue has a numb feeling and always start swelling on one size and on the size ofmy tongue is a small rough patch dr say i probaby ate something but i know that not what it is it swell up so bad i cant close my mouth
I have glossitis. It started about 3 years ago when I had a broken tooth that irritated my tongue. It started as the most commonly described symptoms. I tried an antibiotic treatment which lessened the problem but did not help in the long run. Since then, something that is a direct result of the glossitis has spread to my throat, lungs, sinuses. I have a constant nasal drip that can be thick or thin and wakes me up at night, similar to sleep apnea as it blocks my air passage. My throat feels raw all the time, sometimes very sore, and I can feel a burning in my chest that is either due to spreading to my lungs or burning its way into my stomach. When I cough, it hurts. I have constant acid reflux-like symptoms. Lately, my ears have started to hurt. I am always exhausted. I have started taking a Bcomplex vitamin as was recommended by several websites, no results yet. I do not smoke. I do drink alchohol. For a period of time, I was drinking regularly (approximately 3-4 bottles of wine per week) but with the onset of this condition, have reduced to perhaps a bottle over the weekend. I have noticed that the symptoms flare with the intake of alcohol. I do not have insurance as I am working part-time and going to school full time and am a student teacher. I am 47 years old and a single mom. I cannot afford to go to a doctor and am trying to do for myself as best as I can. Can you help me?
To Diane: I’ve had trouble with some of the same symptoms your describing. THe recommendation that helped the most out of all was given to me by my ENT. He suggested to brush with a mild toothepaste and rinse/gargle with Maylox or Mylanta (flavor free) after each meal and at bedtime. This made a HUGE difference in the swelling and burning. Hope this helps.
I think it’s from the dental filling, I had a broken tooth and it irritated my tounge shortly after that I developed glossitis I will be having this filling removed/I’ll keep you informed don’t lose hope!!
my tounge is very red and a bit swollen. the papillie (sp) stand out and are very sensitive. also have cracks all over the top. i just finished a course of antibiotic for strep throat and was told that this might be the cause of my problem. any ideas on how long this may last? the feeling is like when you burn it from hot food or drink.
My mother recieved a powerful antibiotic for a bacterial infection of the throat 3 months ago. Since the completion of the antibiotic, she has developed glossitis on her tongue. Nothing she has tried has helped and she has tried almost everything. From more antibiotics to kill the yeast, to eliminating all alcohol, sugar, and yeast from her diet (and now she has lost a LOT of weight)- goldenseal powder on the tongue, eating cloves of garlic…nothing is working, 3 months later, and she is miserable. Her doctor just told her today that he doesnt know what else to do. If anyone has ANY advice, please….
@Sarah, You should try a Gluten Free diet.
I have had glossitis for about 3 weeks the doctor gave me nystatin which did not help. Soon after I was prescribed fluconazole 150 mg for two weeks and I am on my 11 day of medication and I am getting some relief my tongue doesn’t burn anymore and the yeast infection seems to be gone. I