Hello this is Varun, i’m posting here after a long time hope you remember me ………..
So now coming to Dental implants . These are the recent advancements in dentistry as recently as some 50 years ago , but around (936 – 1013) Albucasis placed ox bone in place of a missing tooth this was the first recorded placement of implants being placed.
Implant : it is an external devise which is inserted into the body for working as a part of the body . Which are used to replace missint teeth in the oral cavity
Dental Implants are the prosthesis used in dentistry where we replace the root of the tooth or the mandibular bone to make a support for Denture (or) artificial teeth .
The most used metal for Implants is TITANIUM as it is accepeted by the bone and it forms osseointegration(bone accepts the external metal) . VITALLIUM is also used s a metal for the implant.
Dental Implants are classified into 4 types:
1) Endosteal Implant : Implants placed into the bone of the mandible beneath the teeth . These type of Implants are not being used in dentistry in recent times as the failure rate is high and it also causes bone loss to occur . A horse shoe shaped endosteal implant known as RAMUS Frame implant. Root form Implant is the most popular type of endosteal implant .
2) Subperiosteal Implant : It is a recent development in dentistry it was developed by Dhal in(1940) and refined in (1951) by Berman . A custom made frame is placed in the patients mouth directly beneath the periosteum , these are used to restore the missing teeth in a partially dentate jaw or the whole of the edentulous jaw . it is used in places where there is little bine available for implantation . It causes excessive bone loss , and the implant rejection by the bone and excessive bone loss.
3) Transosteal Implant : It is a mix of endosteal and subperiosteal implants . It is mainly used in the anterior region of the mandible to support the dentures which tissue like and memic the tissues of the gum(Ginigiva) . mandibular staple implant and trans mandibular implant (TMI) are the types of Transosteal implants .
4) Epithelial Implants : itin serted in the oral mucosa without using the bone as the support . It has many disadvantages like Painful healing …etc so it is no longer used.
I have a question for you. I had an implant put in on June 2. It has been healing nicely. However, last Tuesday night I started having pain in the surrounding teeth and up and down my jaw. I have had to take 2 Advils. My oral surgeon and dentist think that my bite is off due to slight shifting of my teeth while my tooth was out. My general dentist ground down one of the teeth. I have since noticed that the pain is not localized to that one tooth. The pain radiates down the side of the jaw on which the implant is located. I am on antibiotics as well. Could this be a symptom that I can not tolerate the implant or is something else going on? My xrays show no infection at this time.
Thank you,
Patricia Holder