Dental fillings are done by the dentists for the restoration of cracked, worn, decayed tooth. Tooth decay may happen due to a lot of reasons. A lot of dentists perform dental filling procedure for solving different problems related to the teeth of people. Different materials are used by dentists for filling the teeth. Amalgam, porcelain and composite materials are used for filling the teeth. Enamel is lost due to the tooth decay. A dental filling can solve the problem of enamel loss completely. Apart from filling, people might need some other dental treatments like crowns; root canals etc. if they suffer from serious tooth decay.
When an individual visits the dentist with complaints like tooth sensitivity, pain etc. then his teeth are checked by the dentist for cavities. Once, a dentist spots cavities in one or more tooth, he takes the decision about removing the weakened area and filling it. The weak part of the tooth can be removed with hand piece or laser. After this, the tooth is cleaned for the removal of bacteria. Tooth isolation is the first step which is done while filling the tooth. It is important for preventing the interference of moisture with the bonding process. Different types of adhesives are applied on the tooth and after that the filling mixture is put on the tooth. With the help of a special light, the filling is fixed in to the teeth.
The cost of dental fillings depends largely on the material which is used for filling. Some studies suggest that amalgam fillings are not good for the health of people. However, amalgam fillings are cheaper than fillings done with composite material. The procedure of filling the tooth with amalgam is quite simple. While the process of filling teeth with composite mixture is sophisticated. Though composite fillings are expensive, they are far better than amalgam fillings in terms of durability and health. Apart from this, the cost of dental fillings also depends upon the dentist which is chosen by you. The location where the dental filling is done also affects the cost of dental fillings.
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