Even after knowing the fact that chewing tobacco is injurious to the health, a large number of people have a habit of chewing tobacco. Such people are not ready to even try quitting tobacco. One should understand that there are various risks associated with chewing tobacco. If you do not know about the risks related to chewing tobacco in any form then you should read on. Chewing tobacco may lead to oral cancer. Oral cancer is a deadly disease. Every year, a large number of people die due to oral cancer in different parts of the world.
There are a large number of side effects of chewing tobacco. People who chew tobacco develop yellow stains on their teeth. There smile gets affected in a negative manner. Bad breath also comes out of the mouth of those people who have a habit of chewing tobacco. Various sores may also appear inside the mouth of people if they chew tobacco on a regular basis. Oral cancer may be indicated by sores inside the mouth which do not heal. Many people think that chewing tobacco is better than smoking. However, it is not true. Chewing tobacco is also very dangerous for the health.
Blood pressure and heart rate of those people who chew tobacco may also get increased. It may lead to a heart stroke. If someone wants to live a healthy and longer life then he should quit tobacco in all forms. People who want to leave the habit of chewing tobacco need to have strong will power. They may seek professional help. There are different alternatives which can be chewed instead of tobacco. Mint snuff is a healthy substitute for people who can’t stay without chewing tobacco. It pacifies the urge of people to chew tobacco. At the same time it offers no side effects. Apart from this, different products like bacc-off, sunflower seeds and Jerky are available in the market to help people quit tobacco. People who try to quit tobacco face different kinds of challenges. It is important for them to know about these alternatives to smokeless tobacco.
dear sir, pl give some more tips to get rid of tobacco chewing