Dental abscess is collection of pus in the tooth following any infection, and it can be within the tooth in the roots, near the gums, or in the alveolar bone which surrounds the tooth. Causes: Tooth decay – Tooth decay can be some infection due to micro organisms, which can decay the internal parts of […]
Mucocele or Mucus extravasation phenomenon or Mucus escape reaction
Mucocele is a common lesion of the oral mucosa that results from the rupture of salivary gland duct and spillage of mucin into the surrounding soft tissues. This usually occurs from a trauma that effects the normal functioning of the salivary gland duct and damage to the duct. Most of the times, the cause for […]
Reasons for people grinding their teeth
Grinding teeth is a habit you can see with some people and they are seen to do it unconsciously and usually when they sleep. The medical term for this habit is Bruxism. The exact cause for Bruxism or grinding teeth is not known and there are a number of suggestions on the causes. One factor […]
Reasons for bad breath
Bad breath, also known as ‘halitosis’, can occur from time to time, and can also be long-lasting, depending on the cause. Bad breath such as ‘morning mouth’ is considered normal, and there is no major cause for health concerns. ‘Morning mouth’ condition can be attributed to changes in our mouth during our sleep. During day […]
Bruxism – Gnashing of teeth
Bruxism is the word taken from Greek word “brychein” which means gnashing of teeth. Brychein means different things to different experts. It is basically grinding of the teeth, typically accompanied by clenching of the jaw. It is an oral parafunctional activity which occurs in most of the humans. Bruxism in other words is the medical […]
Glossitis is basically an infection of the tongue. Glossitis can cause the tongue to swell and also the color of the tongue might change. The tongue becomes smooth and the finger like projections on the surface of tongue might lose. Glossitis can be painless and it may cause the tongue and mouth discomfort. Some times […]
The Most Dangerous Oral Conditions
Now let us see that are the most dangerous oral conditions, which every one of us would surely want to avoid. Those oral conditions which are caused by viruses can be very much painful & are rarely fully removed from the body. However, there is an effective therapy that can treat some of the conditions […]
More about Periodontitis
Periodontitis, comes when you decide not to brush your teeth often. It builds up plaque, to the point where it starts to destroy tissue around the tooth. Once this has happened, the tooth may start to decay. Get loose, or stay inside but start chipping. If that is the case, then you must see a […]
Oral Cancer – Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Cancer is defined as an uncontrolled division of the cells and this causes invading of the other neighboring tissues in any region of the body. This condition usually can spread to any other part of the body through lymphatic system or the blood stream. Generally cancers can occur due to abnormal changes referred to as […]