We should certainly give our teeth proper care and attention but we often realize this too late. In fact many of us just forget about it and only care about dental treatment if a bothersome tooth problem crops up. You can end up spending a lot of money on major dental work if you keep on intending to save money on dental treatment. You just have no choice but to get your teeth treated if they have deteriorated beyond a certain point.
To get your decayed or broken teeth (cracked tooth) restored you can get the help of any dentist in your area. The treatment costs would different from dentist to dentist. Some dental plans have the costs of the treatment excluded while others even offer discounted rates while covering the treatments. Make sure to check with your dental plan to ensure the benefits you are entitled to, if you are actually concerned about the cost. If broken tooth repair is really essential at this point for you then you would somehow have to manage to save money for the treatment. The best way to get your teeth repaired or restored is to go for crowns for teeth restoration at a dental clinic where you get the best price possible.
If a tooth has a large portion which has decayed then it can be strengthened or a broken tooth can even be repaired by using crowns. Unlike this treatment, many others are entirely done for cosmetic purposes. The appearance of the teeth which are capped with them is restored. A significant portion of the remaining teeth also need to be grinded for make the use of crowns possible. This is the reason that for cosmetic purposes, the use of porcelain crowns is not recommended. For any cosmetic purpose, it is more advisable to go for a dental procedure which is more conservative like teeth whitening treatments or veneers.
To find the best procedure for you it is best that you consult your dentist. To ensure that your dentists can assess the situation of your teeth properly it is important for you to get a dental appointment as soon as possible. You should be able to find a lot of dentists in your area. You can even check out the directory listings for dentists in your area if you do not already have a dentist. It is also better to regularly visit the dentist even if your teeth do not need to be repaired currently.
My tooth has been broken the same way shown in the image. Please tell me is there any way to cure it? Can I replace it with artificial tooth?
Generally, the treatment for this depends on the severity of the problem because sometimes the tooth might need to be extracted if there’s a poor recovery, or a root canal treatment followed by the cosmetic + functional procedure such as a crown placement would be suggested but all this depends on how severe the cracking is. For many people, just a small chipping off won’t require all this, but just the build up with materials such as composites.