Plenty of kids are told for countless times in their childhood that chewing gum or eating candy is bad for their teeth. This was true for extent as sugar content present in the candy or chewing gums can easily create cavity in their teeth. When you consider this the chewing gums are with exceptions to this rule for its advantages. But on the bright side it has lots of advantages as well. Present days there are plenty of chewing gums which are available in the market with right amount of sugar content.
Though there are plenty of chewing gums from different brands are available in the market some of these serve great use to the health of our mouth when considered on whole. Almost all chewing gums can help the muscles in our mouth to have great exercise but some of these also help to maintain the oral health as well.
When we think of the question as which are the best Gums for your Teeth, the solution is found to be all the chewing gums which contains xylitol are good for health and most of the dentist also recommend the same.
The chewing gums with xylitol content in it can clean the tiny remains of bacteria’s in our teeth. These bacteria’s cannot be seen through our naked eye and sometimes some of these remain even after brushing our teeth. As these remains can also cause problems to the health of our teeth chewing gums with xylitol in it can easily remove these bacteria’s as well. Chewing gum has great advantages like it can help in cleaning our teeth and remove the bad breath from our mouth.
The true reason for the bad breath and bad health of your teeth are the carbohydrates and sugar content in general. The sugar and carbohydrates can feed the bacteria’s which help them grow and destroy out teeth causing different problems. Hence chewing gums with xylitol in it can destroy the remains of sugar or carbohydrates and also the bacteria’s inside the oral cavity.
Some of the chewing gums with xylitol in it are zylicious, trident gum and many more. When you purchase any chewing gum you can check for xylitol content in it and have it. There are plenty of reviews by the users who have been using these chewing gums and have found the effectiveness from it. The zylicious chewing gums are with xylitol and can easily eradicate the problem causing bacteria’s in your mouth.
These chewing gums will not erode enamel as they are sugar free. These chewing gums do not help you to obtain white teeth though but can provide you germ free oral health and freshen your breath. Most of the people enjoy chewing these gums. Some of them have stopped smoking and have started chewing gums as any alternative for their habit. The chewing gums like trident gums can help you preserve your teeth for a long time. They are also recommended by dental professionals as well.
Trident it helps fight cavities