Check the Q. no. 26 to 50 below, with the answers for them. Check the links for the other parts, for the questions of APPG 2013 MDSET examination. The examination was held state-wide, and there are 4 booklet codes, of which I have entered the order of Code C.
- APPG 2013 MDSET Question Paper & Key – Part 1
- APPG 2013 MDSET Question Paper & Key – Part 2
- APPG 2013 MDSET Question Paper & Key – Part 3
- APPG 2013 MDSET Question Paper & Key – Part 4
NOTE: Not all the answers are perfectly answered, and there could be mistakes. Do let me know in the comments if you feel any answer is given wrong. Please do not copy the questions and answers without permission and linking.
26. HUTCHINSONS triad consists of
- Chancre, Mucous patches & Gumma
- Chancre, paresis, tabes dorsalis
- Hypoplasia of incisor and molar teeth, interstitial keratitis, eighth nerve deafness
- Rhagades,screw shaped incisors, mulberry molars
Ans: 3
27. All the following investigations results are correct in Haemophilia, EXCEPT
- Normal bleeding time
- Normal prothrombin time
- Normal platelet count
- Normal clotting time
Ans: 4
28. Pathergy Test is positive in
- Allergic stomatitis
- Behcet’s syndrome
- Psoriasis
- Reiter’s syndrome
Ans: 2
29. Triad of fissured tongue, facial palsy and Cheilitis granulomatosa is known as
- Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
- Grinspan syndrome
- Steven johnson syndrome
- Albright syndrome
Ans: 1
30. Herpetiformis vesicles which rupture and leave areas of superficial intraoral ulcers are caused by
- Varicella zoster virus
- Herpes zoster virus
- Coxsackie virus
- None of the above
Ans: 2
31. “Floating Tooth Syndrome” is seen in
- Crouzon disease
- Mandibulofacial dyosostosis
- Cherubism
- Polyostatic fibrous dysplasia
Ans: 3
32. According to Quantum Theory, Electromagnetic radiations are bundles of energy called
- Photons
- Electrons
- Neutrons
- Leptons
Ans: 1
33. “Ground Glass” appearance on a radiograph is suggestive of which one of the following?
- Fibrous dysplasia
- Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
- Ewing’s sarcoma
- Periapical Cyst
Ans: 1
34. The System International (SI) unit of absorbed dose is
- Coulumb per kilogram
- Gray
- Becquerel
- Sievert
Ans: 2
35. The imaging technique which used films to obtain images is
- Digital radiography
- Arthrography
- Xeroradiography
- Thermography
Ans: 2
36. Post operating pressure dressing to limit swelling and haematoma is placed for a time period of
- 12-15 hours
- 16-20 hours
- 24-36 hours
- 48-72 hours
Ans: 4
37. The clinical signs and symptoms of cyanosis and respiratory distress may become noticeable in most instances of Methemoglobenemia when Methemoglobin levels reach
- 0.5 – 1 g/dl
- 0.25 – 0.5 g/dl
- 1.5 – 3 g/dl
- more than 10 g/dl
Ans: 3
38. A patient who had a history of hepatitis one month ago should be preferably given which local anesthetic agent
- Lignocaine
- Bupivacaine
- Procaine
- Procainamide
Ans: 3
39. Haemostasis depends upon all the following, EXCEPT
- Calcium
- Prothrombin
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin K
Ans: 3
40. If the seventh nerve is damaged on the right side of the face
- The muscles of mastication would be denervated
- the muscles of facial expression would be denervated
- taste from the right anterior two thirds of the tongue would not be affected
- sympathetic fibre to salivary gland would be interrupted
Ans: 2
41. If a small amount of lignocaine hydrochloride with 1:80000 epinephrine is accidentally injected intravenously while giving a mandibular block, approximately how long will it take for epinephrine to circulate from the oral mucosa to heart?
- 1 sec
- 12 sec
- 25 sec
- 50 sec
Ans: –
42. Allografts are grafts taken from
- same species and individuals who are genetically related
- different species
- same species but individuals are genetically not related
- same species and between genetically identical individuals
Ans: 3
43. Dautry procedure is used for
- correction of prognathism
- correct of ankylosis
- correcting recurrent dislocation of mandible
- none of the above
Ans: 3
44. Sialoliths are most common in the
- Parotid duct
- Parotid gland
- Wharton’s duct
- Sublingual gland
Ans: 3 (Most common occurrence is in the submandibular salivary gland, but parotid gland occurrence is not uncommon)
45. Differential WBC counts are useful in the diagnosis of
- Anaemia
- Eosinophilia
- Spherocytosis
- Vitamin deficiency
Ans: 2
46. The window of infectivity during which most children acquire the cariogenic organisms
- 15 and 16 months
- 17 and 18 months
- 19 and 33 months
- 36 and 40 months
Ans: 3
47. “Chicken-wire” appearance of enlarged bone marrow spaces is seen in
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Sickle cell anaemia
- Haemophilia A
- B Thalassemia major
Ans: 4
48. Wand system of local anesthesia involves the following method of drug delivery
- Electronic dental anesthesia
- Jet injection
- Computer controlled injection system
- Iontophoresis
Ans: 3
49. Stillman’s method of brushing was originally developed to
- Provide gingival stimulation
- Clean interproximal areas
- Remove plaque from gingival sulcus
- none of the above
Ans: 1
50. Correlation between two variables are best depicted by
- Bar diagram
- Line diagram
- Histogram
- Scatter diagram
Ans: Either 2 or 4
50 has to be 4th option sir because bar digram cant be used to compare two variables … plz crct me if wrong
sir in 30… he asked about herpetiform ulcers.. i think the answer would be HSV.. none of the above