December 6th and 7th, 2008 – The dental conference by A. P. State Dental Association is being conducted and the 1st session on Day 1 has started.
First lecture by Dr. S. Ramananda Shetty, Vice-Chancellor at Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka.
The topic that he is talking about – “Feel Healthy – Smile Brighter”
Changes in education – Teacher centric to Student centric.
Is education acquiring knowledge in a particular field?
Next thing Dr. Shetty talked about is – Dental Education.
Learning to know – Knowledge
Learning to do – Skills/Competency
Learning to work together – Team and group concept
Develop attitude – Positiveness
In India –
- No. of universities – 428
- No. of Institutions – Over 21000
- No. of Professional colleges – 600 Medical + Dental
- No. of Professional Students – 50000 Med + Den
- No. of Dental Colleges in India – 272 (Govt – 31, Private – 241)
- No. of UG and PG students in India – 21760
- No. of Post graduate institutions – 123
- No. of Post graduate students – 2279
- In Karnataka, No. of dental colleges – 43
- In AP, No. of dental colleges – 21
- PG Institutions Karnataka : AP – 32 : 11
- UG Students Karnataka : AP – 3200 : 1790
- PG Students Karnataka : AP – 696 : 201
Changes in Dentistry over years –
This is how the Oral Medicine Department changed since years, with addition of small other parts and topics like radiology, imaging and oncology into the Oral medicine subject.
– Oral Medicine
– Oral Medicine & X-Ray Dept.
– Oral Medicine & Radiology Dept.
– Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial radiology
– Oral Medicine, Maxillofacial radiology and Imaging system
– Oral medicine, Maxillofacial radiology, Imaging system and Head & Neck Oncology.
Department of Maxillo facial has been developing from a small department to a bug one with many inclusions in the following format –
– Oral Surgery
– Oral Surgery & Exodontia
– Oral & Maxillo facial Surgery
– Oral maxillo facial & Cranio facial surgery
– Oral maxillo facial, cranio facial & cleft surgery
– Oral maxillo facial, cranio facial, cleft and head & neck surgery
– Oral maxillo facial, cranio facial, cleft and Head & Neck and implants and Head & Neck oncology
– Oral maxillo facial, cranio facial, cleft and Head & Neck, implants, head and neck oncology and esthetic surgery.
Future of dentists and dentistry
20000 graduates are coming out every year, this adds to the existing 80000. PG seats that are available are 2279, so nearly 18000 students remain with BDS every year.
There is some need for some innovative programs with which the huge number of BDS graduates can be progressed further.
Role of DCI and University
To increase the efficiency and profitability
– Diploma courses were started.
– Starting of M.Sc. in Dental Materials. – This might be a good idea for producing professors for Dental Materials subject.
– Think about increasing the number of PG students? – This can be a step to produce more experts in specialized departments in dentistry.
Role to be played by Universities –
– Starting of fellowships and certificate courses
– Post MDS fellowship courses
– Post BDS fellowship courses
What can be done with Post – MDS fellowship?
- Fellowship in Radiology
- Fellowship in Head and Neck oncology
- Fellowship in Maxillo facial plastic surgery
- Post MDS – Ph. D can be introduced.
- Post MDS – DNB (Diplomatic National Board) ???
What can be done with Post – BDS fellowship?
- Fellowship in Micro Dentistry – Micro-surgeries
- Fellowship in Esthetic Dentistry
- Fellowship in Implantology
- Fellowship in Clinical Research
- Fellowship in Hospital Management
- Fellowship in HIV/AIDS
- Post BDS Ph. D ???
- Post BDS DNB ???
Future in Dentistry – These are going to flourish in future!
Implant Dentistry
CAD-CAM Dentistry
NANO Dentistry
Stem Cells..
That was an excellent speech and innovative thinking from Dr. Shetty, who mainly focused on how the BDS doctors can pursue some specialization in future, rather than just being stuck with their BDS Degrees.
He also continued with some example pictures of changes in Implant Dentistry, Oral Invalids(Used when regular prostheses can not be given due to some reasons like anatomical factors, physiological, neuromuscular, pathological and psychological factors), Optical impressions in CAD-CAM dentistry and few other topics.
what is fellowship in hospital management? n which is the best college to pursue this course in india n abroad?
Good Information Doc.
My suggestion-
The state dental boards in India should make a ‘restorative technique exam’ a must for licensure requirement. The exam should be conducted after BDS intership in the state where the student wants to open the practice. This practical exam should be of the highest quality level as the IAS exams reputation in India.
where all are the fellowship courses post bds available?please guide on this topic
in india where these courses r available sir….
does this course (dnb) is avilable at Ahmedabad
Sir,does this course is (dnb) available at ahmdabad
Sir, I am a post graduate in dental materials( M.Sc Dental materials) from manipal college of dental science maniapl graduated in the year 2006. from this year onwards they changed M.Sc into p.g diploma in dental materials and it is recognized by DCI, sir i wanted to know whether the same is applicable for M.Sc dental materials also?.Sir any chance to do PhD in Dental materials in India.?
i have opted for pg dploma in dental materials..can u pls guide me abt its scope..whether i cn get placements in any material industry directly 4m manipal after completing the course…?
could you provide me with more information on these fellowship courses?are there any colleges providing these courses specially in mumbai?
does nanodentistry course available in india??
if yes then where??
if no then out of india in which country this course is available??
please guide me
thanking you
Facial plastic surgery is all about correcting the flaws and imperfections of the face to look younger. In our busy schedule little do we realize that time, environmental factors, heredity and a host of other factors take its gradual toll on the face. Almost all of us find it hard to accept wrinkles, deep lines and other facial blemishes damaging the radiance of the skin. Thankfully, plastic surgeons in the US continue to use the latest technology and techniques to help patients enhance their looks so that they feel confident in the presence of others.
i m doing my post graduation in oral and maxillofacial surgery i want to do fellowship in facial plastic surgery can u provide me information regarding this
i am interested to do some post bds course kindly guide us in doing the same
thanking u